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Dr Richard Savage presents at IAEA convention

ONR’s Chief Nuclear Inspector Dr Richard Savage today presented the UK approach to nuclear safety to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and 60 countries.

He confirmed that the UK has demonstrated full compliance with the obligations of the Convention on Nuclear Safety, which commits participating countries operating civil nuclear power plants to maintain a high level of safety to agreed standards.

The Convention requires countries to submit reports on compliance with the obligations every three years – the Seventh UK report was published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy last August and peer reviewed by other countries over the past few months.

Richard said:
"The review meeting is a crucial opportunity for us to present the UK approach to nuclear safety, take advantage of the review process and contribute to global nuclear safety through our peer review of other countries.

"I'm pleased to present the seventh report, which not only demonstrates compliance with the convention but shows significant progress in meeting the challenges and feedback from the 2014 report."

The review meeting is part of an extensive two-week programme at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna.